I found this tip about a tip to align the form text field and submit button it seems to work.
The new Google Chrome OS is an opertating system that is just for accessing the interenet. It is said to have a 7 second boot time and everything works through the browser, so everything is stored and runs online. While not for everyone it does make sense for people who just want to use the internet with their laptop for example. Watch the video below.
Here is a video of me playing with the new augmented reality technology
When it comes to designing coming soon webpages you want to make sure that you have something up on the domian that looks professional but also do not want to spend too much time and money on something that will be replaced.
Smashing magazine have an article looking at various coming soon pages with some good examples. One thing that you may want to consider is having a signup for more information form, also a brief description about what is coming soon.
The points are:
1) Tell us what to expect.
2) Provide updates (email signup)
3) Create some intrguige
4) Rembmer SEO
Read the article:
I am working on a website seo and website imrpovement for a company that provide warehouse management systems for leading companies in the UK. Hopefully I can improve the position in the search engines and make the website work for the client.
Here is a video that shows what augmented reality could bring to video games and actual life interaction.
This talk from Pattie Maes about how they are testing new ways of interacting with the world has a glimpse of what future human computer interation could be like.