Just a quick update to post a video that was on techcrunch of the new iPad. People really go crazy over all things Apple, so it will be interesting to see if this changes the playing field for web developers. It king of looks like a giant iPhone I think, which is no bad thing.
Below is the video:
I have found a good program to test websites out in the problematic ie6, its called IE Tester.
The link is: http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePag
Although I still think that ie developer tools should include testing in ie6 as well as 7 and 8
After seeing the video on TED last year, I found the downloadable application that re-defines the way that you can use the desktop. Its called bumptop. It makes the desktop fun to use and adds nice features that make it fun as well.
The main difference is that it is 3D, so you can stack and also through about the icons. Organising the desktop the way the you want to. Have a look.
Happy new year to everyone! Hope that 2010 is a great year forus all.